Thursday, September 27, 2007

“GORR CHA KADDOMM”: Louis Reviews News for Week Ending September 26th 2007

After an “interesting” week in Gambian affairs, I begin this week’s reviews with some examples of the kind of journalism we need in Gambia.

The first one is no surprise. It’s FOROYAA’s analysis on the firing of the last of Jammeh’s AFPRC comrades. - Edward is the last one

I believe this article should be copied and closely studied by most of our online journalists. The writer not only reports the story but also gives actual analysis. He gives us a brief albeit useful history that Edward is the last political survivor of the original AFPRC members. He briefly takes us through how, in his own perspective, Edward conducted himself during the period he was in there. He also gives us an idea of the current situation with the rumors that have been going on lately. Finally, the writer asks probing questions about the causes of such a move and the possible outcomes. This is probably the ONLY article I’ve seen on our websites that has remained objective on this story. The irony of it is that FOROYAA is an opposition party newspaper and it is sad that they’re more objective than the journalists. Again, I really suggest that all our journalists go back and make this article a “bible” to learn from. The questions the article asks are all perfect, thought-provoking educative. READ IT, STUDY IT, MEMORIZE IT and PRACTICE IT.

I’d like all readers to read the article in its entirety but just incase you can’t, here are a few quotes to show you why this is the perfect article:

“Edward is the last political survivor. He did so by playing a low political profile. He moved from prominence to become almost unnoticeable. What is interesting is that he has recently enrolled in the Law programme to study Law. Did he smell something or has he changed heart about politics and political office.”

According to rumors, “…at a recently held meeting of party stalwarts in Kanilai, the President had asked people to shelter Edward for him.”

“What is still unclear is where the President intends to go from here…”

After reading this story, it is no wonder that despite being an opposition newspaper, FOROYAA is not getting into as much trouble with the notorious NIA as other journalists are. I’m not saying that the other journalists deserve the “harassment” they get. Just that this kind of reporting gives one very little room to accuse them of anything.

Opposition leader Amath Dansokho reacts to President Wade nominating 65 people to the new Senegalese Senate

Now I’m sure a lot of regular readers of the blog will be shocked that I chose an article from Senegambia News as an example of the kind of journalism we need. I’m not so interested in the story itself, just the style, manner and maturity with which it was written. It is a bit unfortunate that it happens to be about Senegal. Either way, the writer is very objective and informs and provokes the readers in a very mature manner rather than the usual biased reporting we would have got if this story was about The Gambia. Guys, this shows me and everyone else that it is within you to write objective and mature articles (at least sometimes). We’re just asking for more of this style of writing when it comes to news about your own Gambia regardless of your political prejudices. Congratulations and thank you for a great article. We look forward to more of this on Gambian News.

NOTE: I can't give quotes like i did for the FOROYAA article because for this one it was more about what they DID NOT do rather than what they did. No anger, no bias and no prejudice.

Breaking News:Top NIA Official Serg PMJ Declassifies Gambia's Most Wanted List!!!

Last week’s review was headlined by a Gambia’s Most wanted list reported by Freedom Newspaper listing their editor Pa Nderry Mbai as the number one. I wrote to say how ridiculous it sounded to have Pa Nderry, a journalist in America, as number one when former military soldiers and alleged failed coup plotters were right there in Senegal. Well, it seems like Freedom woke up from their disillusion with the help of their Serg PMJ who gave a more “sensible” list. True or false, this list makes a lot more sense than the first one. Breaking News:Mighty Singhatey Has Fallen!! Has Singhatey Resigned or what?

Here Freedom Newspaper gives a different angle of the Edward Singateh removal. According to their sources, Singateh resigned from the government after his enrolment in law school. Again, true of false, I’m glad to have a different perspective. Their theory doesn’t sound too bad either because a law student will certainly have little time to be a minister and party secretary general. It also at least attempts to give an explanation which is more than we got from the government issued report of Singateh’s removal.

Breaking News: Works Minister Sanyang Sacked, Col. Peter Singhateh Discharged

The Gambia Echo posted this article on Monday, September 24 2007 at 8:24 PM. Given the limited details on this story, I don’t want to comment on it just yet. However, I got an email from a reader at around midnight. His/her complaint was that the authors of the article above promised that “more analysis later tonight”. To give them the benefit of the doubt, I thought the Echo might have meant on Tuesday night but up until the time of writing this article on Wednesday afternoon, September 26 2007 there was still no further analysis. Now, I’m glad that to remind the Echo that Gambians are watching and holding them accountable. If you promise your readers something, please respect them enough to deliver. If you’re not sure when you’ll be able to get the analysis then leave out the “later tonight” part. If you intended to write and something comes up, please respect your readers (even if its just one person) to write and notify them and apologize for your inability to deliver what you promised them. For a journalist, the saying that “a man has nothing more than his word” is literal.

This Week News in Review

A reader brought to my attention that they noticed that Matthew K started doing weekly news reviews since Louis Friend started. Well, I’m flattered. I’m not sure if me starting had anything to do with Matthew’s or whether the reader only noticed it after they saw mine. Either way, I’ll quote Tupac and say to Matthew “I ain’t mad at ya”. The more information, the more perspectives, the better for all of us as Gambians.

In the reviews, Matthew talks about his proposed post Jammeh government. I was going to comment on it but seeing that he had himself as Secretary General made me realize that it was just his crack at humor. Good one brother.

Shyben Madi Reduces Sugar, Cooking Oil Prices

The Point reports that Shyben Madi reduced the prices of Sugar and Cooking oil. I say, ABOUT TIME TOO!!! It’s been a few months since tariffs on imports were cut by over 50% and it makes absolutely no sense that prices remained the same. Gambians all over the world are also alarmed and nervous about the sudden appreciation of our Dalasi against other currencies. A reduction in prices will not explain it or take away our fears but it does make a bit of sense and might ease the nerves a little bit.

Jammeh Receives Special Envoy from President Wade

Later reports suggest that the envoy came to ask Jammeh to release some Cassamance rebels/ rebel leaders. We’re all glad to see cooperation between the Jammeh and Wade and we hope they can patch up whatever differences they may have. Gambians and Senegalese are one people and we don’t want to have it any other way. Cheap shot...naturopractic


The Gambia Journal reports that Jammeh was made president of a West African organization of Naturopratic doctors. The problem is that they labeled him and more importantly the organization as Witch Doctors.

Ok, I believe The Gambia Journal might have briefly suffered from a “Gambia Echo/ Senegambia News” syndrome of being carried away on emotions and rushing to publish an article. I say this because the article has sensibly been pulled from their website.

In my article THE FOURTH ESTATE on this blog, you can see how much I respect this paper. I was therefore very disappointed to see them categorize a whole organization as one of WITCH DOCTORS. The removal of the article signals to me that someone there has realized that naturopratic medicine happens to be a respected and accepted science studied in universities right here in the USA as well as other parts of the world. Our disbelief in Jammeh’s abilities and methods should not cloud our judgment to the point of disrespecting scientists and doctors who chose natural herbs and products over modified chemicals.

GRTS captures English Premier League

Observer celebrates that GRTS can now show EPL games. Well bravo GRTS. We’re all happy. However, I just wanted to react to a comment by one Gambian Fan who said “we have to thank GRTS” for bringing EPL games. Mind you, this is not just about GRTS and EPL. I’m just tired of Gambians feeling that our public officials are doing us a favor whenever they DO THEIR JOB. From the president down to Momodou Sanyang of GRTS, they are all there to serve the Gambian people. We can thank and congratulate them for a job well-done whenever they do so but I would really like Gambians to stop feeling that public officials are doing us a favor. They are paid with tax payers’ money to give us the best they can and we should settle for no less. I hope our public officials also realize that it is their responsibility to serve the country and its people with the very best of their efforts. Giving anything less is a failure on their part. Bravo GRTS for the EPL. We hope you can get us La Liga, Bundas Liga and Serie A…who knows…maybe even NBA Basketball!!!

Louis Friend

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