Monday, September 10, 2007

Introducing SEKOU TOURE

I'm glad to introduce my new co-author. After a few comments on postings on this blog, Mr. Sekou Toure has agreed to be a co-author because he, like Louis Friend, has a lot to say and finds this a suitable medium to share his OPINION. I do NOT care who he is or where he is from. What I care about is the substance in what he has to say and I'm sure that's what most of our readers are interested in. Again, we're open to all opinions so please feel free to send in articles for posting.
PLEASE NOTE THAT MR TOURE'S OPINIONS DO NOT REFLECT THOSE OF LOUIS FRIEND so don't be surprised to read differing view points by authors on the same blog. It is the beauty of freedom of opinion, the need for which prompted the start of this blog.
To Mr. Toure I say, "feel at home".
(His first article will be posted shortly).


Anonymous said...

Welcome Sekou!. We await your critique

Anonymous said...

Welcome Mr Toure, We await your Critique!


Welcome to gambianewsfilter, a group blog where we post analyses, commentary and essays on current gambian news topics. Our stance is that the interests of the nation supersedes all political views and parties, and we believe in intelligent debates about issues, respecting each others' views even when they are completely different from each other.

We ask that you keep this in mind as you browse through the site: do feel free to comment on any story, and disagree with it and/or other commentators, but do so whilst respecting the other person's viewpoint. We are not here to sling mud, or insult anyone.

Thank you for visiting.