Tuesday, October 16, 2007

‘korontontu la nyambi bika mo’; Louis Reviews News for week ending October 15, 2007

The above quote is a Mandinka saying. I was reminded of it by an article from Mr. Omar Saidy Khan to The Gambia Journal. It seemed suitable because it is applicable to 3 of the stories reviewed this week. It directly translates to “a hurried cook will never eat a well-done cassava.” The cassava is used because it normally takes long to cook and requires patience to get it properly cooked. The meaning is similar to the English saying that “if you rush, you miss”.


Master Tamba Fofana and Ousman Rambo Jatta Freed At Last

Despite the total disrespect and embarrassment shown to the Amnesty International officials last week, their visit and the attention it created seems to have yielded some result. After ignoring several calls, including one from a high court, “captors” finally released Ousman Rambo Jatta and Master Tamba Fofana. While this is relief to the two gentlemen and their families and friends, and all who value human rights, it must be said that this is FAR from satisfactory. Detaining someone for an extended period without charge is CRIMINAL and simply releasing them does not make things right. Their unconditional release needs to be accompanied by full compensation and an apology for the period they were detained and the damages it caused, physical, emotional, social and economic. If the government still wishes to claim that “the men were not held by them” then failure to find and bring those responsible to justice would be equally criminal.

To the various newspapers, human rights activists etc. who continued to call for the release of the two men, BRAVO. Please keep up the good work and remember to stay on the cases of Chief Manneh, Fatou Jaw Manneh and all others who have “disappeared”. Their families need you, the Gambia needs you and history needs you.

To Rambo and Master, please remember your principles and all those who stood by you and continue to fight for what you believe in.


Gambia frees Senegal rebels

Another sigh of relief to learn that two of the detained outstanding figures of the separatist rebels of the Movement for Democratic Forces in Casamance (MFDC), Kamougue Diatta and Sadia Bodian, have been freed by Gambian authorities. The men were handed over to Senegalese authorities.

It can be recalled that not too long ago, a Senegalese delegation had gone to the Gambia to negotiate the release of some Cassamance Rebels. I say “Good Call” because if anyone, The Gambia government needs to “bff’s” (best friend forever) with Senegal. Not only are the people ONE, but it makes a lot of political sense to be on good terms with the country that borders you on THREE sides.


Bala Garba Jahumpa exonerated

After being arrested along with three other officials, Bala Garba Jahumpa, former Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs and now The Gambia’s Ambassador, designated to the Latin American State of Venezuela , has been exonerated in the passport and visa scandal discovered at the Department of State for Foreign Affairs.
Now how incompetent is our Police Department? This is NOT the kind of story that gives people confidence in their police force. How about you investigate and get your stories straight before arresting people. If mistakes are made in cases involving high ranking officials such as Secretaries of State, then what hope is there for the ordinary “Louis Friend” to have justice?


Correction, Former Gamtel directors relieved of their posts, not arrested.

Aah, who is to hold the Police accountable if the newspapers are guilty of the same crimes? Senegambianews deserve credit for being man enough to make a correction on a story they had earlier misrepresented. After reporting that former Gamtel Directors were arrested, Senegambia makes the correction that the men were only fired and not arrested. While the correction is commendable, imagine the discomfort caused to the families and friends of the gentlemen involved when they thought their loved ones were arrested. Again, our journalists must never forget or underestimate the trust and confidence thousands of Gambians have in them. Delaying on a story to take the time to verify it is not a waste of your “valuable time”. Remember, “It’s better to measure ten times and cut once than to measure once and cut ten times.”


Amnesty employees cleared of spying, allowed to leave Gambia

This story about the two arrested Amnesty International employees was covered in last week’s reviews. I just saw that they were suspected of “spying”??? Excuse me but “SPYING”??? Is the government about this? I mean, I thought the cold war was over? And when since did the Gambia become so important to have SPIES interested in us?


Daily Observer (Gambia) Ridicules President Jammeh Exposing Him to Public Dirty Insults

The pro-government Daily Observer newspaper apparently had a lapse in “censorship judgment” and for two days, opened up a forum for readers to freely speak their mind on their website. Unfortunately, the forum was closed after just two days due to the torrent of negative comments about the Jammeh government. If you ask me, this kind of forum is something any serious government NEEDS if they’re genuinely interested in serving the people they’re elected to serve. Letting people speak their mind uncensored not only gives them an opportunity to let off steam before it escalates to dangerous levels, it might also give you more ideas on what your people need and want most. It might even give you fresh ideas on how to tackle certain problems. The sometimes appalling/shameful literature found on some of our online news sites however gives me cause for concern. Such a forum would need consideration, maturity and above all, respect for all, including those we hate.


Foreign Exchange Crisis Hits Gambia???

Ok, if did not understand why my co-blogger Sekou Toure called them “alarmists”, read this story. Not worthy of commentary.



Beneath Jammeh’s Program of Reconstruction Parts 1 and 2

Good analysis of the Infrastructural Development that has taken place during the 13yr AFPRC rule (forget aprc, the “F” is still there as in alliance For…). Also a story that you need to read for yourself and please take your time reading to avoid a “foot in mouth” disease like the one suffered by Mr. Omar Saidy Khan regarding this article. (http://www.thegambiajournal.com/artman/publish/article_1397.shtml). Kind of similar to the Gambia Police with Bala Jahumpa and SenegambiaNews and the Former GAMTEL directors.

The story basically explains that all that glitters is not gold and one needs to look at all angles to properly evaluate the “good” in the infrastructural development undertaken by the current administration. Whether you agree or not, the article raises some interesting points.

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