Wednesday, October 31, 2007

Veteran Gambian Journalist BABOUCARR GAYE Passes Away

The death has been announced of veteran Gambian Journalist Baboucarr Gaye. One of the most experienced and respected Gambian journalists, Mr Gaye was perhaps best-known for his Radio Station CITIZEN FM which was closed down by the Jammeh government. This was one journalist that I, Louis Friend, knew personally. Dedicated, mentor, teacher, innovative, intelligent, respectable and CITIZEN are some of the words that come to mind when Baboucarr Gaye is mentioned.
The passing away of Mr Gaye is a huge loss for Gambian Journalism and literature and sends our heartfelt condolences to Mrs Gaye and the entire Gaye family, Gambian writers and journalists everywhere and all lovers of Gambian literature.
For more info on some of the projects Mr Gaye was involved in, see The Gambia Echo article

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