Saturday, March 8, 2008

Gambian Litter Laws

This week the Daily Observer have been running a crusade to stop littering, and get the NEA/Police to actually start enforcing the new anti-litter laws which got created a while back. Here are some of the articles published:


There seems to be a bit of confusion between the National Environment Agency (NEA) and the Police, over who should enforce the laws (understandably - no one wants this extra work added to their already tight schedules). 

The Observer's campaign is actually quite commendable - less litter on the streets is a good thing. I think the anti-litter laws are a good first step. However, in addition to making laws against littering, the area councils (BCC, KMC, etc.) should also enable people to dispose of their litter in non-law-breaking ways, by putting trash cans everywhere, and making sure they are collected every week without fail by council service men. Otherwise people will choose convenience (disposing of an empty drinks can immediately, on the street) over saving the environment (carrying it around with you until you find a trash can, which could take a while) any day.

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