Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Gambian Online Radio

Some Gambian journalists in Senegal have launched an online radio station. From the press release:

With the current political atmosphere in The Gambia, which is characterised by arrests, threats, unlawful detentions, closures and burning of media houses, eavesdropping by security agents, suppression of information and a general sense of fear, the Dakar-based journalists, with their counter-parts in Banjul, felt it necessary to initiate an online media with the sole objective of providing the Gambian people with an alternative means of accessing impartial and independent information.

You can visit the radio itself here. It sounds like a very good idea, though - as the problem is with any online endeavour in a country where there is only a small percentage of Internet penetration - not many people will be reached by this. However they do say something on their site about using Senegalese transmitters to broadcast a signal into the Gambia, which would solve this problem. 

Good luck to them, and I hope it works out.

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